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2024 Events

Joe Puleo & Team Sworn Into Office

2024 Transportation Bureau Holiday Party

2024 Holiday Party

Video Mashup 1


Video Mashup 2


2024 Family Fun Day

Local 983 Fights to Save Parks Funding

May 20, 2024 — Local 983 has rallied on the steps of City Hall and testified at a City Council hearing to reinstate $55 million in funding for parks to save more than 600 jobs. President Joe Puleo and Vice President Ralph Baselice both testified at the City Council's Executive Budget hearing held by the Committee on Parks and Recreation and the Committee on Finance. The Council called for baselined restoration of funding for critical staff and programs for the Department of Parks and Recreation. Specifically, the Council urged baselined funding restorations to support the city parks workforce that has been reduced by the mayor’s budget cuts, threatening the maintenance of parks in neighborhoods across the city. The Council also called for investment into a new employment initiative that could fund seasonal Parks Department positions that help underemployed communities enter the workforce and strengthen the quality of city parks.

Vice President Ralph Baselice and Recording Secretary Donald Chapman met with 17 newly hired DOT ACHRs during an orientation.

The two provided information about Local 983, benefits, social media, meetings, and more.

2023 Events

Joe Puleo & Team Sworn Into Office

June 22, 2023 — After a year-plus delay in officer elections, President Joe Puleo (center) and his team were sworn back into office by DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido on at a special membership meeting.

Photo: From left: MVO Supr. José Padilla, TEA3 Farris Coley, APSW Sylvester Ervin, Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Burke, Vice President Ralph Baselice, Secretary-Treasurer Marlena Giga, DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido, President Joe Puleo, Vice President Thomas DiNardo, HPPT Robert Aponte, Vice President Victor Shannon, Trustee Van Scatliffe, and ACHR Vincent Gismundi. In front: Recording Secretary Donald Chapman.

Local 983 Holiday Party 2023

Local 983 participated in the first Metropolitan Hospital Union Day by setting up a table and inviting workers in titles represented by Local 983 to come and sign dues cards, learn more about what the union offers, and grab some free food and goodies. “Even current union members might not be aware of all the benefits we provide, like a free $10,000 life insurance policy,” said Recording Secretary Donald Chapman. Pictured in group photo: Motor Vehicle Supervisor Jose Padilla, Metropolitan Hospital CEO Cristina Contreras, Chapman, Sergeant-at-Arms Ralph Baselice, Event Organizer Theresa Pinto, and MVO Raul Barrientos.

President Joe Puleo and Vice President Thomas DiNardo have started to negotiate a new contract for HPPTs. DC 37’s Assistant Director, Research and Negotiations, joined the two at the table for one of the bargaining sessions that will bring the union closer to a final deal.

President Joe Puleo testified on May 24, 2023, at a Parks Department PlayFair Hearing held by City Council Member Shekar Krishnan. He spoke out against proposed cuts to Parks funding in the city’s budget and the need to increase staffing. Pictured from left: Council Member Krishnan, DC 37’s Political Action Assistant Director Susan Chin, Recording Secretary Donald Chapman, Sergeant-at-Arms Ralph Baselice, and President Joe Puleo.

The weather did not cooperate for this year’s Local 983 Family Fun Day on Saturday, May 20, but plenty of members still showed up for fun, food, and freebies at Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Pictured from left: Walter Odom, Recording Secretary Donald Chapman, President Joe Puleo, MVO Chris Batsikas, and MVO Saidal Mahmood.

Recording Secretary Donald Chapman welcomes newly hired ACHRs at DOT.

Local 983 Recording Secretary Donald Chapman, Sergeant-At-Arms Ralph Baselice, and DC 37's Mark Heron meet with Apprentice Watershed Maintainers and City Seasonal Aides as part of an innovative, new program between DEP and DC 37 to train future Watershed Maintainers in a program that will help fill a hard-to-recruit-for title.

Local 983 Executive Board members met with Mayor Eric Adams to discuss labor issues and unresolved contracts. Pictured in group shot from left: First Vice President Marvin Robbins, Treasurer Marlena Giga, Mayor Adams, Sergeant-at-Arms Ralph Baselice, President Joe Puleo, and Recording Secretary Donald Chapman.

Local 983 President Joe Puleo met with retirees on March 3, 2023, to catch up and discuss topics like pensions and the Medicare Advantage Plan New York City is implementing for retirees. Pictured are Stan Kelly, Ruben Vargas, David Berisha, John Ponce, and Bill Bair.

President Joe Puleo and Recording Secretary Donald Chapman rallied at City Hall with DC 37, NYSNA and 32 BJ to send a message that hospitals must be held accountable for the prices they charge for services. Puleo said skyrocketing hospital costs are a huge factor in why health care costs are out of control.

Recording Secretary Donald Chapman recently signed up new MVO Hipolito Suriel from Gouverneur Hospital as an official member of Local 983 after Suriel signed all the onboarding paperwork.

Recording Secretary Donald Chapman at Woodhull Hospital Transportation Appreciation Day. From left: MVO Ernesto Rodriguez, MVS John Decesares, Chapman, and MVO Eddie Schubert.

December, 2022 - President Joe Puleo and Treasurer Marlena Giga had a chance recently to meet with DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez and discuss issues of concern for the union going forward into the new year.

September 7, 2022 - Local 983 President Joe Puleo was honored by Labor Press at a special labor luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 7. Puleo received the recognition for his efforts supporting the rights of seasonal workers and fighting to save 200 jobs of entry level workers that were slated to be terminated before July 1, 2022. First Vice President Marvin Robbin, Vice President Thomas DiNardo, Secretary-Treasurer Marlena Giga, Recording Secretary Donald Chapman, Sergeant-at-Arms Ralph Baselice, and several union members attended the premier event honoring Puleo and four other labor leaders.

June 1, 2022 - Local 983 First Vice President Marvin Robbins joined DC 37 Safety and Health and Bronx Shop Steward Sandra Lynch on June 1, 2022, to perform a preoccupancy walkthrough of the new NYPD Bronx Tow pound location.

May 20, 2022 - Local 983 joined together with DC 37 at a May 20 rally in support of Kathy Hochul for Governor. DC 37 is supporting the incumbent governor in her bid for re-election. First Vice President Marvin Robbins proudly displays one of the endorsement signs. Pictured in the group photo are Local 983 Vice President Tom DiNardo, DC 37 and Local 372 President Shaun Francois I, Local 983 President Joe Puleo, DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido, Local 372 VP Donald Nesbit, Local 983 Recording Secretary Donald Chapman, and Local 983 First Vice President Marvin Robbins.

May 4, 2022 - First Vice President Marvin Robbins attended the grand opening ceremony of the new NYPD Queens Tow Pound on May 4, 2022.

March 22, 2022 — Local 983 members joined with DC 37, the Play Fair Coalition, NYC Council Parks Chair Shekar Krishnan, and hundreds of advocates to rally for jobs and funding for New York City parks. The Parks Play Fair Rally at City Hall was the first attempt to send a solidarity message to government leaders that they need to protect NYC Parks' funding by allocating 1% of the City budget for Parks.

"We demand that NYC Parks Department jobs that belong to our members such as PEP Officers and Urban Park Rangers, be baselined and included in the annual budget for the Parks Department," said Local 983 President Joe Puleo. "We must stop the $60 million cut in Mayor Eric Adams' preliminary budget."

2022 Jacket Distribution

Local 983 is once again distributing custom union jackets to its members as a thank you for being part of the 983 family. Executive Board members have been visiting different work locations to hand out the jackets, which members were excited to receive. Motor Vehicle Operators and Motor Vehicle Supervisors at Kings County Hospital and the Department of Homeless Services Brooklyn (AKA BKR) were some of the first to receive theirs, as were MVOs and Supervisors at NYPD Fleet Services Division and Metropolitan Hospital.

Jan. 31 , 2022 — President Joe Puleo, Recording Secretary Donald Chapman, and Sergeant-at-Arms Ralph Baselice met with New York Congressman Gregory Meeks who represents New York's 5th District in Queens where they were able to discuss many issues that impact New York City and Local 983 members. Some of the topics they discussed were budget items, NYC crime issues, and ways to help preserve jobs, particularly those for Local 983 members.

Helping The Homeless Stay Warm

Local 983 members donated, gloves, socks, hats, and scarves to the New York City Department of Parks campaign to help the homeless stay warm this winter. Secretary-Treasurer Marlena Giga who helped coordinate the union’s contributions, said with members assigned to work in the City’s parks, they often see firsthand the homeless population struggle especially when the temperatures drop to below freezing. She said everything collected is being donated to the Department of Homeless Services, where it will be distributed to individuals and families who are in NYC shelters.

Officer Tashawnia Cephus (UPR), Sgt. Lilley-Alston, Local 983 Secretary-Treasurer Marlena Giga (AUPR),Captain Sanchez, and Sgt. Aris Gavilanes (AUPR) finish arranging even more of the donations dropped off by union members before they are delivered to Homeless Services.

Bronx PEP Sgt. Jayme Lilley-Alston (AUPR) proudly shows off just some of the winter gear donated by Local 983 members to help keep those in need warm during the winter months.






District Council 37 



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