Local 983 Holiday Party

NYCERS Members, Your Annual Disclosure Statement (ADS) is Ready

Your ADS contains important information about your:
• NYCERS membership service
• Contributions, interest and estimated benefits
• Beneficiaries
And much more!

Your Annual Disclosure Statement is only available online in your MyNYCERS account.

Log in or register today to view, download or print your ADS.

Click Here to Watch a NYCERS Video on Understanding Your ADS >

UPR/AUPR "Volunteer" Overtime

We have been advised that the New York City Parks Department has been forcing members in the AUPR & UPR titles to "volunteer" for overtime, then paying it out as comp time instead of cash overtime. The comp overtime is being paid out at straight rate and not premium rate as required by law.

We are advising you to save all final approved overtime sheets reflecting the comp overtime being paid out at straight rate and email a copy of them to rjohnbase@gmail.com.

Do not volunteer! The Agency has to pay premium rate and be held accountable!






District Council 37 



125 Barclay St.
New York, NY 10007

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Joe Puleo & Team Sworn Into Office

After a year-plus delay in officer elections, President Joe Puleo (center) and his team were sworn back into office by DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido on June 22 at a special membership meeting.

Photo: From left: MVO Supr. José Padilla, TEA3 Farris Coley, APSW Sylvester Ervin, Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Burke, Vice President Ralph Baselice, Secretary-Treasurer Marlena Giga, DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido, President Joe Puleo, Vice President Thomas DiNardo, HPPT Robert Aponte, Vice President Victor Shannon, Trustee Van Scatliffe, and ACHR Vincent Gismundi. In front: Recording Secretary Donald Chapman.